Last updated 7/22/2021.
We want satisfied customers, not hostages. That’s why we make it easy for you to manage payments your account directly on our website — no emails/tickets required, no questions asked.
You can cancel ongoing subscriptions two ways:
• visiting the Customer Payments Portal and directly cancelling your subscription inside of Stripe
• vising the Bot Dashboard and deleting your Bot. That will automatically cancel your subscription inside of Stripe
Our legal responsibility is to account owners, which means we cannot cancel any subscriptions at the request of anyone else. If for whatever reason you no longer know who the account owner is, email us. We will gladly reach out to any current account owners at the contact information we have on file.
In the case of cancelling a Bot, you won’t be able to access your Bot once you cancel, and all of its configuration data will be deleted. We currently do not support cancelling Bot access once your billing period ends.
We won’t bill you again once you cancel. We don’t automatically prorate any unused time you may have left but if you haven’t used your Bots in months or just started a new billing cycle, contact us via the Messanger for a fair refund. We’ll treat you right.
We will only cancel your Bot when 7 days have passed after a billing failure.
We also retain the right to suspend or terminate accounts for any reason at any time, as outlined in our Terms of Service. In practice, this generally means we will cancel your account without notice if we have evidence that you are using our products to engage in abusive behavior.
Bad refund policies are infuriating. You feel like the company is just trying to rip you off. We never want our customers to feel that way, so our refund policy is simple: If you’re ever unhappy with our products for any reason, just contact our support team and we'll take care of you.
• If you were just charged for your next month of service but you meant to cancel, we’re happy to refund that extra charge.
• If you forgot to cancel your Bot a couple months ago and you haven’t used it since then, we’ll give you a full refund for a few back months. No problem.
• If you tried one of our products for a couple months and you just weren’t happy with it, you can have your money back.
• If you forgot to cancel your Bot a year ago, and there’s been activity on your Bot since then, we’ll review your Bot usage and figure out a partial refund based on how many months you used it.
• If you upgraded your Bot a few months ago to a higher plan and kept using it in general but you didn’t end up using the extra features, projects, or storage space, we’d consider applying a prorated credit towards future months.
• If we had extended downtime (multiple hours in a day, or multiple days in a month) or you emailed customer service and it took multiple days to get back to you, we’d issue a partial credit to your account.
At the end of the day, nearly everything on the edges comes down to a case-by-case basis. Send us a note, tell us what's up, and we'll work with you to make sure you’re happy.